My Story

Growing up, I had a lot of anxiety about food. So much so that it spiraled into a full-blown eating disorder by the age of 12. After years of recovery and finding my spiritual side, I tried my hardest to eat what I believed was “healthy,” but despite my efforts, I struggled with chronic eczema, asthma, allergies, and my relationship with food. 

After a lifetime of frustrating diagnoses and pills that temporarily dulled my symptoms but never provided long-term relief, I was fed up with the conventional medicine approach masking my symptoms instead of correcting them. It wasn’t until my last year of undergrad that I was introduced to the profound impact that food has on our biology and how our modern-day food system has ruined our health as a society.

I learned that food wasn’t just a way to fill my cavity. I learned that it is actually made up of itty-bitty molecules that communicate with my DNA and upregulate and downregulate the expression of certain genes.

This discovery led me to take my care into my own hands; using nutrition and lifestyle at the forefront, I made serious changes to my diet. My eczema subsided more than it ever had before. I felt less anxious. My relationship with food improved. Educating myself helped build my confidence in knowing the food choices I needed to make to feel good.

My experience fueled my passion for educating others. Food is more than just energy. 

Food is medicine. Food is life. 

I believe everybody should have access to the facts about food and should feel confident and comfortable making food choices for themselves that are going to support their health and goals so that they can feel like their best self.

In 2020, I received my Master’s in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and started Foodhappy LLC.

Currently, I work for Hyman Digital alongside Dr. Mark Hyman as his leading researcher and have experience writing blog content and newsletters for some of the top names in the nutrition and wellness industry.

Foodhappy is all about personalized nutrition, education, and making lifestyle changes that support the full picture of health (mind, body, and soul), and finding what foods support your unique biology and individual health goals—because there’s nobody else in the world like you.

Sending love and kindness to everyone 🫶🌱
Taylor Groff, MS, CNS
Functional Nutritionist

Taylor Groff, MS, CNS
Functional Nutritionist | Researcher | Writer