The Medical System Is Rigged šŸ˜± (Hereā€™s why)

Tell me, does this sound familiar? 

Youā€™re dealing with a slightly ā€œout-of-the-normā€ health issue ā€” migraines, chronic fatigue, back pain, irritable bowel, anxiety, or some sort of mystery symptom (hair falling out, unexplained weight gain, weird rash, racing heart). So you make an appointment with your doctor to get answers.

And it goes like this (Cue: Maroon 5, Moves like Jagger*):

Sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes.
Explain to the nurse whatā€™s wrong.
Sit in the exam room for another 20 minutes.
Re-explain to the doctor whatā€™s wrong.
Sit in the exam room for 15 minutes.
Get a prescription for (symptom).
Say thatā€™s all they can do. 
Refer you to a specialist.
(And repeat)


We pay thousands of dollars for healthcare each year. Between federal taxes and health insurance, a massive chunk of our paycheck goes directly into the medical system.

And when the time comes when we need help, itā€™s hard to get it. More often than not, we have to jump through hoops to get answers, and usually lands us on some sort of medication to mask our symptoms. 

Just to be clear, I am not anti-medicine. There are situations where drugs and surgery are most necessary. But most diseases people are dealing with today (heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimerā€™s, infertility, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, autoimmunity) are the direct result of living in our modern-day world. 

Poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, psychological stress, trauma, exposure to toxic chemicals, a lack of purpose, connection to nature, loneliness, and living out of sync with our circadian rhythm fundamentally drive our bodies out of balance. 

The Medical System is Fundamentally Flawed

Medical school does not teach doctors how to screen for disease-driving lifestyle factors. Theyā€™re taught how to diagnose, prescribe, and refer. What we need are trained detectives to investigate when something has gone awry! Not pill machines. Only then can we get to the root of whatā€™s causing the dysfunction and correct it at the source. 

This is not just an issue with conventional medicine ā€“ this is an issue with the system as a whole.

Big Pharma funnels billions of dollars into medical institutions to keep drugs and surgery at the center of treatment interventions. Their curriculum is based on naming, blaming, and taming diseases with drugs rather than creating vibrant health. 

Medicine is a For-Profit Industry

At the end of the day, insurance companies, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, politicians, hospitals, and everyone in between are out for one thing: money. And listen, thereā€™s no shame in putting food on the table for your family. Everyone needs to make money.

The problem is that healthcare can not be for profit because that creates more incentive to keep their customers sickā€¦ or just sick enough to be on medicine for life. 

Some Stats That Will Be Sure To Blow Your Mind

And when massive amounts of money are at stake, itā€™s easy for people to become corrupted, especially at the highest level. 

  • The U.S. spends 4.3 trillion dollars per year on healthcare ā€“ and yet, 6 in 10 Americans have at least one chronic disease; 4 in 10 have two or more. 

  • There are > 3 lobbyists working for pharmaceutical and health companies per each member of Congress. 

  • The average hospital makes 3 billion dollars per year in profit. 

Itā€™s easy to treat health as a transaction rather than the life force that it is when massive amounts of money are at stake. But this is peopleā€™s lives weā€™re talking about! MILLIONS of people are suffering.

Something fundamentally needs to change for our system to go from sick care to health care. We deserve better!

On A More Uplifting Note:

ā€œAt the root of chronic disease is the loss of communication within the cellular world of your body.ā€ - Zach Bush, MD

Our bodies are intelligent AF and have an insane capacity to heal once communication is restored. 

They'll find their way back to homeostasis if they have what they need to reset and repair. Every one of the billions of chemical reactions in your body is working to keep you alive ā€” and, better yet, thrive. 

Until the system changes, we must be our own health heroes, which means educating ourselves on the basics and connecting ourselves to what we need to thrive. Things like:

šŸ•³Correcting nutrient deficiencies
āš–ļøBalancing blood sugar
šŸ¦ Supporting the gut microbiome
šŸ‘«Engaging in fulfilling relationships
šŸŒæTime in nature
šŸ“–Active relaxation

Additional Resources

If you want to learn more about the corruption that exists in healthcare, and the hidden agenda of Big Pharma and Big Food, I highly recommend following @calleymeans and @drmarkhyman and checking out these books and podcast interviews:


Foodhappy šŸ– (#1: brain health, weight loss, earthing)


Are You Dealing With Chronic Fatigue? šŸ˜Ŗ