“Damn, I can’t Believe That’s Liver” Recipe

Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. It is hands down the richest source of bioavailable vitamin A, a nutrient that’s for immune health.

That’s why incorporating liver into your diet can do wonders for those who are suffering from autoimmune conditions like M.S., rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and Hashimoto’s.

It is also an incredible source of vitamin B12, which can help correct deficiencies and take your energy to the next level. And it doesn’t stop there! Liver also contains folic acid, iron, and vitamin B6, making it a superb way to support your sex hormones, fertility, and neurotransmitters. 

If that wasn’t enough evidence to convince you of the health benefits of liver and why you should add it to your diet, I highly recommend checking out this research-backed blog I co-authored with my friend and boss, Dhru Purohit.

Here’s my “Damn, I Can’t Believe That’s Liver” Recipe:


  • 1-lb organic chicken livers

  • 1 tablespoon flake salt

  • 1 zucchini

  • 3 tablespoons ghee

  • 1 teaspoon cumin

  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon

  • ¼ teaspoon cardamom

  • ¼ teaspoon ginger

  • 1 teaspoon sea salt


  1. Wash and chop liver into 1-inch thick pieces. Sprinkle with flake salt and let sit while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

  2. Chop one whole zucchini into ¼-inch slices. Heat two tablespoons of ghee in a skillet on medium heat for about 3 minutes. Add zucchini. 

  3. Add cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and sea salt. Stir.

  4. Add liver, and cook for 3 minutes on each side, be careful not to overcook. 


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e-z zucchini patties